A free, lightweight & superfast Platform for Automation

Take your automation script or let an AI generate it. Run the script with
Robogator. It’s that simple.

unlocked the potential of AI scripting

Here’s a quick overview of the Robogator platform’s main features.

Just click on the question to see Robogator’s advice.


Robogator Desktop

Operating system

Windows 10 & newer

Scripting languages

C#, PowerShell


Windows Forms

Target platform

Windows x64

.NET version


Preferred screen size

1920 x 1200

Robogator Desktop for Windows x64

The top 5 areas in which the Robogator platform is used the most by our users, ranked by popularity and the best fit for the area and the platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it really free?

Yes, you have the same speed and kind of the same features as after becoming a Master – paying for the Master Plan. For more information, see the license information in the Robogator Desktop application on the Topics page.

Is there an AI that helps me with my scripts?

Yes, but not on the Robogator platform. For example, use ChatGPT to create your scripts and then paste them into the Robogator platform for superfast instant execution.

Will Robogator support Python in the near future?

Oh, yeah, Phyton is at the very top of the list.

Is this a maleware, Windos told me the setup has an Unknown Publisher?

Of course not, we haven’t signed our bineries at this stage of development. It’s all safe and secure.

Some links are not working properly at the moment. Do I need to get suspicious?

Of course not. Robogator is still developing quickly and there will be dead ends from time to time. But we will do our best to avoid them.

Will Robogator support Java in the near future?

Oh yeah, at some point it will become true.

Have additional questions?

We’re here to help. Let’s talk.